15. Juli


„We need never be hopeless, because we can never be irreparably broken. We think that we are invincible because we are. We cannot be born and we cannot die. Like all energy, we can only change shapes and sizes and manifestations. They forget that when they get old. They get scared of losing and failing. But that part of us greater than the sum of our parts cannot begin and cannot end and so it cannot fail.

…. Thomas Edison´s last words were, „It´s very beautiful over there.“ I don´t know where there ist, but I know it´s somewhere, and I hope it´s beautiful.“

aus: Looking for Alaska von John Green


2 Responses

  1. Taija sagt:


    … und gut gewählte Worte.

  2. 273871 506711Wow What excellent information. Thank you for the time you spent on this post. 517925

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